10 research outputs found

    Self and Group Initiated Professional Development Pursuits of EFL Teachers

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    ABSTRACT Teachers’ quality plays a paramount role in the improvement of  education quality. One of the ways to ensure high quality teachers is through effective continuous professional development for teachers. This present study is aimed to explore how EFL teachers develop their professionalism, particularly in terms of pedagogical and professional competencies. This research involved seven outstanding English teachers teaching at junior and senior high schools from two different areas covering one municipality and a district in Cirebon. The result showed that there are two main themes of professional development pursuits of the outstanding teachers comprising of self-initiated or individual and group professional development activities. ABSTRAK Kualitas guru berperan penting dalam menjaga kualitas pendidikan. Salah satu cara memastikan guru untuk tetap berkualitas adalah melalui aktivitas pengembangan profesionalisme yang efektif bagi guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana aktivitas guru bahasa Inggris mengembangkan profesionalisme mereka terutama dalam hal kompetensi pedagogis dan profesional. Penelitian ini melibatkan tujuh guru bahasa Inggris  luar biasa yang mengajar di tingkat SMP dan SMA dari dua wilayah yang berbeda yang mencakup satu kotamadya dan sebuah kabupaten di Cirebon. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa ada dua pola utama aktivitas pengembangan profesional dari guru bahasa Inggris yang terdiri dari kelompok sendiri / individu, dan kelompok. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris dapat melakukan kegiatan profesinya yang diinisiasi sendiri dan kelompok untuk mempertahankan profesionalisme mereka sebagai guru. How to Cite: Priajana, N. (2017). Self and Group Initiated Professional Development Pursuits of EFL Teachers. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 4(1), 31-48 doi:10.15408/ijee.v4i1.6597.

    Tracer Study: Studi Rekam Jejak Alumni dan Respons Stakeholder Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

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    Tracer Studi Jurusan TadrisBahasa Inggris(TBI)yang dilakukan pada tahun 2019 ini merupakan salah satu kegiatan krusial yang dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi proses penyelenggaraan jurusan TBIdi IAIN Syekh Nurjati, Cirebon. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk menelisik bagaimana tingkat keberhasilan lulusan/alumni perguruan tinggi (PT), terutama jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Syekh Nurjati, dalam memasuki dunia kerja, keterkaitan keterampilan (softskills & hardskills), dan kompetensiyang didapat ketika di kampus. Keberhasilan di dunia kerja merupakan salah satu indikator outcome pembelajaran dan relevansinya dengan tujuan, visi dan misi jurusan Bahasa Inggris IAIN Syekh Nurjati bagi masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan melalui daring/online kuesioner terhadap alumni dan stakeholder serta wawancara mendalam untuk memvalidasi data yang diperolehdari kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya data yang baik terkait alumni,terutamanya tentang ketepatan rentang waktu mendapatkan pekerjaan dan kesesuaian yang baik antara bidang pekerjaan dengan latar belakang pendidika

    Student teachers' reading habits and preferences

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    This study investigates the reading habit and preferences of the Student Teachers studying in their first year at the graduate school in Malang. Although with the advance of technology, media and many factors influencing reading habits and their preferences, the subjects of the study still have good reading habit and positive attitude towards reading activities. To collect the data, the researcher employs the questionnaire with 40 items adapted from a similar research. The items were designed for evaluating reading habits, general attitudes towards reading, and reading preferences of the students. As a result of the study, it is shown that more than half of the students like reading in leisure time and consider it as indispensable part of their lives.

    The Utilization of Digital Technologies in Learning Speaking Skills: Students’ Problems and Strategies at Islamic School

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    Effective communication through speaking is a crucial element in today's globalized world. As technology continues to advance, it is essential to incorporate digital tools to enhance and teach speaking skills. An analysis was conducted to investigate the challenges encountered by students while learning English speaking skills through the utilization of digital technologies at an Islamic High School. The study employed a case study methodology with questionnaires and in-depth interviews as data-gathering techniques. The outcomes of this research focused on the student's learning process of English speaking skills, the obstacles they encounter, and the strategies employed to optimize the use of digital technology in acquiring those skills. The demand for curriculum updates and teacher training may contribute to this trend. Urgent changes are needed in English learning to emphasize broader skill development instead of memorizing vocabulary and grammar. Educational institutions should consider these findings and improve English language instruction accordingly


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    Abstract: Teachers’ quality plays a paramount role in the improvement of quality of education. A way to ensure high quality teachers is through effective continuous professional development for teachers. This present study is aimed to explore how the EFL teachers develop their professionalism particularly in terms of pedagogical and professional competencies. The result shows that there are three main themes of professional development pursuits of EFL teachers comprising of self-initiated or individual, institutional, and non-institutional professional development activities.  Keywords: continuing professional development, EFL teachers, pedagogical competency, professional (subject matter) competenc


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    This study was aimed at processing empirical data to know the realization e-book program in EFL teaching and learning process as reflected by English teachers of Islamic Junior High School (MTs) in Indonesia. It is a descriptive research of which the approach is a cross sectional survey. The result of this study was expected to be the basis for the government to re-evaluate the implementation of the national project of School Electronic Books (BSE). Based on the result of data analysis, the program of e-books should be revised as considering several factors affecting its insufficient use by the EFL teachers of MTs. The use of E-book in teaching and learning in Indonesia EFL classroom had been beyond the teachers’ outlook. It revealed that e-book and its advantages were not well recognized by many teachers of MTs in Indonesia because of lack awareness of rapid growth of technology and information in this case the use of internet. Keywords: e-book, teaching and learning, program, implementatio

    The realization of e-books for teaching as reflected by by EFL teachers of Islamic Junior High School (MTs)

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    This study was aimed at processing empirical data to know the realization e-book program in EFL teaching and learning process as reflected by English teachers of Islamic Junior High School (MTs) in Indonesia. It is a descriptive research of which the approach is a cross sectional survey. The result of this study was expected to be the basis for the government to re-evaluate the implementation of the national project of School Electronic Books (BSE). Based on the result of data analysis, the program of e-books should be revised as considering several factors affecting its insufficient use by the EFL teachers of MTs. The use of E-book in teaching and learning in Indonesia EFL classroom had been beyond the teachers’ outlook. It revealed that e-book and its advantages were not well recognized by many teachers of MTs in Indonesia because of lack awareness of rapid growth of technology and information in this case the use of internet.


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    Abstract: Listening is considered as the most important skill and it is role as the beginning of the other skills. However, many students faced difficulties to master listening because they lack of vocabulary and students less pay attention. In this research was used VOA news video. Therefore, the objective of this research including 1) How is the effectiveness of using VOA news video on students listening ability? and 2) How is the student’s perception on the use of VOA news video on students listening ability?. This research is quasi experimental, The population of the research is all students of SMAN 1 Babakan 2017/2018, the sample are students of X IPA 1 consists of 36 students and X IPA 2 consists of 35 students. The instrument of this research is test; pre-test and post-test and questionnaire. The research findings showed that there is an effect from pre-test and post-test score in experimental class after being taught through VOA news video. The mean score of pre-test is 60,42 and the post-test is 87,14. The hypothesis test showed the significant score of regression was 0,000 because of significant score &lt; 0,05 and t count (4,168) &gt; t table (2,03452) thus, H0 rejected means that there is effect using VOA news video in students listening ability. In addition, the perception of the students, most of students responded agree of VOA news video as media teaching listening. Therefore, VOA news video is recommended as a media to be used by English teachers to teaching listening ability. Keywords: VOA News Video, Media, Teaching Listening Ability.</p


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    Abstract: Listening is considered as the most important skill and it is role as the beginning of the other skills. However, many students faced difficulties to master listening because they lack of vocabulary and students less pay attention. In this research was used VOA news video. Therefore, the objective of this research including 1) How is the effectiveness of using VOA news video on students listening ability? and 2) How is the student’s perception on the use of VOA news video on students listening ability?. This research is quasi experimental, The population of the research is all students of SMAN 1 Babakan 2017/2018, the sample are students of X IPA 1 consists of 36 students and X IPA 2 consists of 35 students. The instrument of this research is test; pre-test and post-test and questionnaire. The research findings showed that there is an effect from pre-test and post-test score in experimental class after being taught through VOA news video. The mean score of pre-test is 60,42 and the post-test is 87,14. The hypothesis test showed the significant score of regression was 0,000 because of significant score &lt; 0,05 and t count (4,168) &gt; t table (2,03452) thus, H0 rejected means that there is effect using VOA news video in students listening ability. In addition, the perception of the students, most of students responded agree of VOA news video as media teaching listening. Therefore, VOA news video is recommended as a media to be used by English teachers to teaching listening ability. Keywords: VOA News Video, Media, Teaching Listening Ability